1st Grade Music Class partner games - accordion-games.com

1st Grade Music Class partner games

Katie Traxler
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Our first grade music classes have lots of fun learning to work with different partners. These two games (first by Class 1-208 and then with Class 1-205) are some of our favorites.
Hey There Friend was our hello activity for the month of November.
Leaves are Falling was a beautiful song we sang while learning to move with a partner in mirror image. One person leads and the other person “reflects” what they see the leader do. We had a wonderful exploring different ways to move our bodies slowly.

Lyrics to Hey There Friends:
Hey there friends, what do you say?
It’s gonna be a marvelous day.
Shake my hand and boogie on down,
Jump, jump, jump and turn around.

Leaves are Falling lyrics:
Red and yellow, green and brown
Leaves are falling to the ground
Lie lie lie… leaves are falling (repeat)

Katie Traxler, Music Teacher

Nancy Sing-Bock, Principal