Just Dance 2016: #1 music video game of all time is back!
Just Dance UK
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The #1 music video game of all time is back with hot new hits and new way to play!
Check out the hot new hits and discover the exclusive new feature Showtime !
Sing, act or perform with your camera to create a sharable music video
starring YOU!
Check out the hot new hits and discover the exclusive new feature Showtime !
Sing, act or perform with your camera to create a sharable music video
starring YOU!
This year, all you need is your smartphone and the Just Dance Controller App to play Just Dance 2016 on Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One, no extra accessories needed. And discover Just Dance Unlimited on New Gen platforms, the new streaming subscription service that brings access to more than 150 Just Dance’s greatest hits and exclusive tracks.
Available October 23rd 2015 on Wii, Wii U, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
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