Manuel and the Music of the Mountains - Games that lovers play -

Manuel and the Music of the Mountains – Games that lovers play

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The name that definitely could not be left out in our ‘december gift package of most popular orchestras’ here on the channel is that of “Manuel and the Music of the Mountains” . And as the month of december is the right time for tradition, nostalgia and sweet memories, we thought that James Last’s “Games that lovers play” would fit the ‘atmosphere’ just right 🙂 Geoff Love’s version is similar to the superb original by maestro James but obviously “Manuel” remains loyal to his own sound.
And by changing a few notes here or there, Geoff Love actually stresses the sheer beauty of the melody even more. From the 1978 album “The Magic of ..” here is Manuel and his wonderful ‘mountain musicians’ with “Games that lovers play”. Enjoy !