Minimal Music for Trombone Quartet (“Mute Games” by Ronus Xix)
Michael Munzert
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Modern composition of composer Ronus Xix for four trombones featuring various mutes (2 x straigt, wow-wow, cup). Score for reading while piece plays. Recorded by “Würzburger Posaunenquartett”, trombone quartet of Würzburg/Bavaria/Germany on their disc “Klangspagat”.
You can get the music here:
You can get the music here:
Modernes Werk des Komponisten Ronus Xix für 4 Posaunen mit verschiedenen Dämpfern (2 x straight, WaWa, Cup). Partitur zum Mitlesen. Eingespielt vom Würzburger Posaunenquartett auf CD “Klangspagat”.