Music Trivia Party Game | Name That Tune - 100 Songs! -

Music Trivia Party Game | Name That Tune – 100 Songs!

Madmartigan’s Music Trivia
Views: 124740
Like: 385
Play Name That Tune at your next party! Form two teams, or play head to head against a friend (or solo if you like) and guess the song in this brand new fun, social, interactive music trivia format. Test your knowledge of five decades of music as you guess the songs from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and 2010s.

The game consists of 10 rounds of 10 questions each. Team 1 will get the first five questions and will try and guess the song title and the artist from the clips played (one song from each decade). Once they’ve had their chance to answer the other team gets their shot with five questions of their own. Once both teams have had their turn the round ends, and the process is repeated through 10 full rounds.

Don’t feel like playing the full game? Just decide how many rounds you’d like to play before commencing the game, and see which team can score the most points in the number of rounds allotted.

Get creative with the rules. You can have each question be a free-for-all for your whole team, or perhaps you could divide your team into “decade specialists” with each member answering the questions from a different decade.

Scoring is simple with 10 points earned for the correct song title, 10 points for the correct artist, and a bonus 5 points if you get both. Since each team can answer as many as 50 questions the highest possible point total is 1,250 points.

Have fun and thanks for supporting the channel! If you enjoy the trivia please hit the like button, and if you love guess the song music trivia be sure to subscribe as I add new quizzes and new play formats regularly.