The Marching Game ♫ Movement Song For Kids ♫ Action Songs ♫ Brain Breaks by The Learning Station -

The Marching Game ♫ Movement Song For Kids ♫ Action Songs ♫ Brain Breaks by The Learning Station

TheLearningStation – Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes
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Marching by yourself or with friends is a great exercise and it’s a fun way to enjoy a brain break. You only need enough space where you can stand! Add in counting your steps and get your whole body active.

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© Monopoli/The Learning Station
The Marching Game

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Take one foot and you step it up and down,
take the other foot and do the same.
Well, you could do it by yourself or with a lot of friends around.
This is called The Marching Game.

When we march, hold your head up high.
When we march, swing your arms by your side.
When we march, your chin stays straight.
When we march, you’re looking real great.
When we march, keep your shoulders back.
When we march, That’s a fact, Jack!
When we march, we feel so proud, and you can count out loud.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
If you step real quick, they call it double time
or you could slow down to last.
Well, somewhere in the middle is just about the right speed,
not too slow or fast.

When we march, hold your head up high.
When we march, swing your arms by your side.
When we march, your chin stays straight.
When we march, you’re looking real great.
When we march, keep your shoulders back.
When we march, That’s a fact, Jack!
When we march, we feel so proud, and you can count out loud.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Turn your head, looking to the right, now turn your head to the left.
Now look straight ahead, remember what we said
and don’t miss a single step.

When we march, hold your head up high.
When we march, swing your arms by your side.
When we march, your chin stays straight.
When we march, you’re looking real great.
When we march, keep your shoulders back.
When we march, That’s a fact, Jack!
When we march, we feel so proud, and you can count out loud.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Keep going, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.


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