Top 50 Best Video Game Music Tracks: All time -

Top 50 Best Video Game Music Tracks: All time

The Protector
Views: 100427
Like: 1655
Thank you for watching! These are the 50 most iconic and best video game music tracks (in my opinion). If you liked it, please subscribe, it would be really, really helpful. Also, don’t forget to watch my previous video, it’s insane!

00:00 50
01:12 49
02:31 48
05:24 47
06:27 46
08:01 45
11:06 44
12:53 43
14:01 42
15:48 41
17:43 40
18:48 39
21:02 38
22:30 37
24:15 36
25:30 35
30:17 34
33:50 33
35:21 32
39:23 31
41:34 30
44:29 29
45:46 28
46:54 27
48:22 26
50:15 25
59:03 24
1:02:12 23
1:04:10 22
1:06:40 21
1:07:53 20
1:08:48 19
1:10:42 18
1:14:50 17
1:15:32 16
1:18:38 15
1:21:02 14
1:24:52 13
1:27:07 12
1:29:28 11
1:35:33 10
1:37:32 9
1:40:57 8
1:45:29 7
1:48:33 6
1:49:51 5
1:52:24 4
1:55:27 3
1:59:38 2
2:00:30 1


I do not own these songs, all rights and credits go to the respective authors. I do not get any money/profit from this video, it is not monetized.